
Brilo: brillo-m10-{dev,release}分支release

不知不觉,brillo-m10-dev分支已经release出来的。brilloemulator_arm使用的linux kernel版本为v4.4,能不能解决firewalld service punch tcp hole失败的问题呢:

02-26 15:08:10.825  1295  1295 I /system/bin/webservd: [INFO:server.cc(119)] Firewall service is on-line. Opening firewall for protocol handlers
02-26 15:08:10.862  1346  1346 I /system/bin/firewalld: Punching hole for TCP port 80 on interface ''
02-26 15:08:11.051  1346  1346 E /system/bin/firewalld: Could not add ACCEPT rule using '/system/bin/iptables'
02-26 15:08:11.051  1346  1346 E /system/bin/firewalld: Adding ACCEPT rules failed.
02-26 15:08:11.061  1295  1295 E /system/bin/webservd: [ERROR:server.cc(53)] Failed to open up port 80, interface: 
02-26 15:08:11.067  1346  1346 I /system/bin/firewalld: Punching hole for TCP port 443 on interface ''
02-26 15:08:11.221  1294  1294 W /system/bin/weaved: [WARNING:buffet_config.cc(165)] Failed to read '/data/misc/weaved/device_reg_info.black_list', proceeding with empty settings.
02-26 15:08:11.428  1346  1346 E /system/bin/firewalld: Could not add ACCEPT rule using '/system/bin/iptables'
02-26 15:08:11.429  1346  1346 E /system/bin/firewalld: Adding ACCEPT rules failed.
02-26 15:08:11.525  1295  1295 E /system/bin/webservd: [ERROR:server.cc(53)] Failed to open up port 443, interface: 


另外关于selinux,之前在log中出现大量的selinux permission的问题,在这个版本上已经修复了。


  1. system/webservd/aidl/android/webservd/IServer.aidl
  2. system/webservd/aidl/android/webservd/HttpRequest.aidl
  3. system/webservd/aidl/android/webservd/IProtocolHandler.aidl
  4. system/webservd/aidl/android/webservd/IRequestHandler.aidl

在/privet/info中gcd(google clound device?)中添加了新的字段: