
Brillo: 网络上其他相关的资源

将Brillo设备连入google服务器(看来google忙于开发Android N系统,brillo系统已经好长时间没有更新了),相关的测试系统还未完善:

1. https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libweave/+/master/examples/daemon/README.md

2. https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/

3. https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.google.android.apps.weave.management

4. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/weave-device-manager/

Android app: weave management还未正式发布:



如果您受邀参与测试,请确保您登录的是受邀加入测试计划的帐号。如果您受邀加入参与测试计划的 Google 网上论坛群组或 Google+ 社群,请确保您已加入相应网上论坛群组或社群。





To run this sample you will need at least one Android device and one Weave compatible device, for example a Brillo development board.

This sample app expects the Weave device to have a _ledflasher schema vendor trait. Seehttps://developers.google.com/brillo/eap/guides/develop/weave-integration for a comprehensive guide on how to build a compatible Brillo board.

You also need to go through the “Bootstrapping and registration” flow to associate the Brillo device with your account.

Turn on the Brillo device and open this application on the Android device. On the first run, the user will be asked to grant access to each invidual devices they want to control from the app. Then the app will list each device detected and authorized. When the user selects a device, a screen will show all LEDs exposed by the device, allowing the user to flip each LED on or off.